TRF and Park Authorities

National Park Authorities are tasked with the difficult and important responsibility of maintaining some of the most sensitive land in the UK. Within this, NPAs must conserve the natural environment within their parks, looking after the wildlife and cultural heritage, while at the same time promoting public access. As it is for Local Authorities, balancing the needs, even demands, of the various user groups is a challenge.

It is often a surprise to visitors that Green Roads exist within National Parks – and again the public have been given to presume any road that is unsurfaced must be a path. This has led to the misconception that the use of these Green Roads is an illegal activity, or an activity incompatible with National Parks – of course, overlooking the fact that the National Parks are also overlaid with far more sealed roads than Green Roads, which during peak holiday periods bring far more issues than the few Green Roads.

The TRF has long been understanding of the sensitivity of Green Roads in National Parks and has played an engaged, active and responsible part in the maintenance and policing of these routes. TRF groups are regularly involved with road repairs, have supplied and fitted signage to help identify the legal routes, and advise on appropriate usage, and even helping NPAs with management such as formulating and applying Temporary Regulation Orders.

Trail Riders enjoy the National Parks in the same way as other user groups and champion countryside access for all. They also understand that sharing and tolerance is part of countryside enjoyment especially given the needs of a growing population.

Part of the countryside – part of our cultural heritage

All roads were once unsealed and for a variety of reasons some remain so. Ever since motorcycles were invented in the early 1800’s motorcyclists have enjoyed exploring the country on two wheels, becoming deeply ingrained into British culture as a traditional and proper rural pastime that should be treasured and celebrated. Events such as the Exeter Trial, can trace its origins back to the early 1900s.  

Benefiting all

Trail Riding brings benefits to riders, businesses, communities, the national economy and the countryside itself.

  • Trail Riders are campaigners for greater access to the countryside for all.
  • Trail Riding has significant physical and mental health benefits for those who participate in this historic pastime.
  • Motorcyclists represent the second most vulnerable user group on sealed roads and unsealed roads offer motorcyclists an environment where road traffic speeds are much lower and road traffic accidents are almost zero.
  • Millions of pounds are spent each year by motorcyclists using the Green Road Network, supporting small local businesses – often in remote rural communities – such as café, shops, bed and breakfasts, as well as specialist businesses.
  • The wider motorcycling industry also contributes significantly to the UK economy generating substantial tax revenues and employment.

Trail Riders support authorities in a variety of ways including maintenance, policing, and rider education and digital signposting.

Trail Riders Fellowship – here to help

The TRF recognises that in these financially straitened times, the resources available to Park Authorities for highways management and maintenance are limited.

With over five decades involvement in such work, the TRF has developed a significant level of understanding and expertise in keeping the Green Road Network in good health, and regularly works with authorities in a variety of ways to support and fund them.

  • Network Management
  • Road Identification and Authentication
  • Traffic Regulation Orders
  • Road Signage
  • Repairs and Maintenance
  • Policing
  • User Education

If you would like to discuss any issue relating the Green Roads or Trail riding email;

Green Road Map Project – Get involved

The TRF invites authorities to contribute to this landmark project

There is an estimated 350,000 miles of highway in England and Wales. Roughly 40% are paths or restricted byways and off-limits to public motor traffic. The other highways are nearly all roads made up with tarmac – black roads. Between the black roads and paths are around 6,000 miles of Green Roads that are available for the public to responsibly enjoy by reasonable means of travel, including motorcycling.

With Green Roads subject to such a broad range of naming conventions and designations, and being recorded in multiple places such as Local Authorities’ Definitive Map and Highway Authorities’ List of Streets, it was considered that one all-embracing public-facing online and real-time map of the Green Roads was in the public’s interest.

The Green Road Map (GRM) has been created by the Trail Riders Fellowship (TRF) to provide clarity and certainty as to the public’s right to use a motorcycle on the Green Road Network of England and Wales.

If you work for a National Park, Local or Police authority then send us an email using your authority email address for a GRM information pack.


Green Road Grants

Funding and support for the Green Road Network

The Green Road Network provides unique public access to the countryside unlike any other and yet it is not celebrated or recognized for the special asset that it is and has been depleted over decades instead of improved for the benefit of the public access.

Like all adopted highways these routes need to be maintained which falls to authorities who face challenges with both funding and resources. For decades the TRF have supported authorities with special projects, volunteers as well as direct funding.

Green Road Grants are available for local authorities to apply for and take the form of both financial support and workforce to the sum of £5,000.

If you have a project you are looking for support with email us the details. 

Managing Motor Vehicle Use in the Countryside - A good practice guide

The Land Access and Recreation Association (LARA) is an umbrella organisation and forum that brings together the leading national associations in motor sport and recreation. LARA promotes and advocates responsible and sustainable motor sport and recreation.

Managing Motor Vehicle Use in the Countryside is a good practice guide to traffic management on unsealed public roads.

Green Roads for All

Britain is blessed with some of the most incredible countryside in the world, a place that should be shared, enjoyed and respected by all no matter how they choose to explore it.

The Green Road Network provides unique public access to this rural landscape unlike any other, but sadly a minority seeks to misrepresent these public roads and the historic rural enjoyment of exploring them by motorcycle.

Green Roads for All takes a closer look at facts around the Green Road Network and the value of Trail Riding to the environment, public access, rural communities, local and national economies as well as the health and wellbeing of riders.

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