The TRF's Code of conduct has been developed to protect the future of Trail Riding

Only use roads that the public are entitled to ride motorcycles on.

Trail Riding is lawful on Green Roads which are commonly known as unclassified county roads, or which are classified as Byway Open to All Traffic. If in doubt, check with the Highway Authority or the TRF.  Motorcycles and riders must be road-legal.  Green Roads are subject to the same laws as black roads. The Green Road Map is also a useful tool.


Keep to the defined area of the Green Road.

Endeavour to travel with least impact. Ride in the 4×4/tractor ruts and avoid creating a third rut, where safe, reasonably convenient, and possible to do so. Avoid straying from the road, especially onto moorland or farmland – doing so may be a criminal offence.


Give plenty of space to walkers, horses and cyclists.

Give plenty of space to walkers, horses and cyclists. As a courtesy, on narrow black roads or Green Roads, stop and switch off engines when sharing the road with ridden horses.

Travel at a speed which is safe and sustainable for the road surface.

Travel at a speed which is safe and sustainable for the road surface. Ride at an unobtrusive speed, taking regard of conditions and visibility. Be prepared to stop within a maximum of a third of the distance in which you can see the road ahead. Excessive speed increases wear on the road surface, avoid travelling at high impact speeds above the voluntary recommended maximum of 25mph.


Ride quietly and unobtrusively.

Machines must be effectively silenced. Use the throttle with discretion, as noise does offend. Green Roads are subject to the same laws as black roads.

Honour the Countryside Code.

Respect the countryside and those who live, work and play in it. Green Roads can be valuable habitats for wildlife, take especial care in spring and early summer. Fasten gates to safeguard stock, except those tied open for land management purposes.  

Be a good ambassador for motorcycling

Be courteous to other road users and respect their equal entitlement to use the road. Bear in mind the difficulties of others and try not to add to them. Acknowledge others with a friendly wave or other suitable gesture. Responsible Trail Riding is a form of quiet enjoyment of the countryside. Maintain the standard of a responsible Trail Rider, so as not to disturb the tranquillity of National Parks and peaceful areas of the countryside